
Danders & More has advised on the sale of Coldplay – Denmark Portfolio ApS’ Danish commercial properties.
The client, a Luxembourg company, purchased eight large commercial properties in 2018, and these have now been sold again to four different purchasers. We assisted in all four sales, including the handling of the purchaser’s due diligence, which offered various challenges, in particular as the main part of the properties were taken over with the current lessee.

Danders & More has advised on the concluding of the English construction contract in connection with the establishment of the new field at PARKEN national stadium.
The field is undergoing complete renovation and a brand-new hybrid field is established. A really exciting assignment, as contracts involving hybrid fields are not that common. Consequently, there were a lot of interesting challenges in relation to the more technical issues involved in the construction. The establishment of the field is already in process, and we look so much forward to seeing some great football being played there.

Danders & More assisted in the sale of the software company Decision Focus ApS to the private equity fund, Via Equity, as the founder, managing director and ultimate owner, Jon Tollerup, together with three other key persons, have reinvested in the new ownership behind Decision Focus ApS.
Jon Tollerup founded Decision Focus ApS in 2004 and today the company is certified IBM business partner and has made a profile within risk management, internal audit and compliance.

Danders & More has assisted our clients in the transfer of the commercial lease for the legendary pub, HONG KONG, in Nyhavn in central Copenhagen.
A very interesting but also somewhat challenging assignment, as parts of the property are listed for preservation, and as HONG KONG generally has historic and sentimental value to many Copenhageners. We look forward to seeing the development of the premises.

Danders & More has been a part of a very interesting development project for an old property on Nordre Fasanvej, at Frederiksberg.
The property was sold with a view to performing a major renovation and restructuring, as a large part of the building is to be converted from commercial use to habitation. We have assisted in connection with the extensive building application process, and adoption of various changes in the existing owners’ association. In addition to being an interesting project, it was also a bit complicated, as the apartments first were transferred from the original owner to a broker, and then transferred to our client, who finally sold the apartments to the end purchaser – a transaction in four stages.

Danders & More represented the two sellers
Danders & More represented the two sellers, RHB Development ApS and FB Administration ApS, who erected 60 semi-detached houses in Bjæverskov – first in connection with the purchase of the actual land and subsequently with the sale, including an extensive due diligence process, to the purchaser, RealBright I A/S.

Danders & More has assisted Northern Industries UK 1 Ltd. with the establishment of a new Danish holding company, Northern Industries A/S, by exchange of shares in the original parent company and by subsequently performing a larger investment round, where a number of Danish and international investors have joined as new shareholders.
Northern Industries operates within the steel industry and through a number of years, they have purchased English steel factories and intend to expand further inside the UK and in the rest of Europe, aiming to become one of Europe’s leading players within the steel industry.

Representing Roskilde Sten og Grus ApS, Danders & More has assisted in connection with a succession process in the company, which originally was started back in the 70’ies.
One of the original founders, Asklev Sten og Grus ApS was bought out and a new ownership agreement was concluded with the remaining founder and Roskilde Sten & Grus.

Danders & More has assisted in the sale of A/S to the largest Norwegian media group, Schibsted A/S, which is specialised in the type of marketplace, on which operates., headed by founder and CEO Martin Borgstrøm, is Denmark’s largest provider of building and renovation projects, with 65 employees in Copenhagen and Århus. Last year alone, the company provided more than 70,000 building projects – from consumer to specialised workmen. has existed for 22 years and through the years, the company has established a national network of specialist workmen.
The sale to Schibsted A/S will strengthen the position already established by and speed up the development. Martin Borgstrøm and all of the employees are looking forward to becoming a part of a Scandinavian cooperation, with Mittanbus in Norway, handling more than 300,000 projects annually, and Servicefinder in Sweden and Rakentaja in Finland.
The sale to Schibsted A/S will strengthen the position already established by and speed up the development. Martin Borgstrøm and all of the employees are looking forward to becoming a part of a Scandinavian cooperation, with Mittanbus in Norway, handling more than 300,000 projects annually, and Servicefinder in Sweden and Rakentaja in Finland.

Danders & More has advised medical specialist Erik Løntoft on all legal aspects of the transaction.
Danders & More has assisted the recognized medical specialist Erik Løntoft in the transfer of his medical practice specializing in plastic surgery, both in the public and the private sector, by structuring a succession model.
Since 2001, Erik Løntoft has acted as a general practitioner within plastic surgery, and over the years he has become one of the leading plastic surgeons in Denmark. His clinic is located in the centre of Odense.
Since 2001, Erik Løntoft has acted as a general practitioner within plastic surgery, and over the years he has become one of the leading plastic surgeons in Denmark. His clinic is located in the centre of Odense.

Danders & More has assisted in the sale of Avedøre Dyreklinik ApS to VetFamily Clinic Development ApS.
VetFamily is an international chain with own veterinary clinics and a cooperation with more than 28,800 veterinary clinics worldwide.
Avedøre Dyreklinik is VetFamily’s first purchase of a veterinary clinic in Denmark.
Veterinarian Lars Bistrup will continue as manager of Avedøre Dyreklinik following the transfer of the business.
Avedøre Dyreklinik is VetFamily’s first purchase of a veterinary clinic in Denmark.
Veterinarian Lars Bistrup will continue as manager of Avedøre Dyreklinik following the transfer of the business.

Danders & More has assisted with the sale of ipvision A/S, a Danish market leader and pioneer within cloud-based enterprise communication.
The buyer, Destiny Group, is a European leader and innovator in secure cloud communications based on its powerful and secure mobile-first products and UCaaS. Destiny Group, with headquarters in Brussels, has 700 employees in 7 European countries and an expected annual turnover of close to EUR 200 million in 2021.
The acquisition of ipvision A/S strengthens Destiny Group’s position as Europe’s largest UCaaS provider and consolidates the company’s position in the Nordics.
Danders & More has advised the owners of ipvision A/S on all legal aspects in connection with the sale of ipvision A/S. We would like to especially thank the following persons for a fantastic co-operation and a smooth process in connection with the sale of ipvision A/S: the great management team and majority owners Kenneth Andreasen, Kåre Bo Jacobsen and Peter Reich; the chairman, playing a key role in the transaction, Laurits Mathias Bach Sørensen; and the auditor, Morten Schwensen (Baker Tilly).
The acquisition of ipvision A/S strengthens Destiny Group’s position as Europe’s largest UCaaS provider and consolidates the company’s position in the Nordics.
Danders & More has advised the owners of ipvision A/S on all legal aspects in connection with the sale of ipvision A/S. We would like to especially thank the following persons for a fantastic co-operation and a smooth process in connection with the sale of ipvision A/S: the great management team and majority owners Kenneth Andreasen, Kåre Bo Jacobsen and Peter Reich; the chairman, playing a key role in the transaction, Laurits Mathias Bach Sørensen; and the auditor, Morten Schwensen (Baker Tilly).

Dstny acquires MobiKOM to establish one of the leading B2B UCaaS suppliers on the Danish market
Once again, DANDERS & MORE has assisted Dstny with an acquisition, most recently the acquisition of MobiKOM ApS. Dstny is one of the leading European companies within the area of business communication. MobiKOM ApS is a cloud-based communications provider in Denmark, supplying Cloud PBX and VoIP telephone services to B2B customers.
In connection with the acquisition, Dstny has made the following statement:
”Having MobiKOM on board, we are not only adding a key player to the Danish market but also a company sharing Dstny’s ambition to deliver professional, flexible, readily understandable and user friendly communications solutions. MobiKOM adds extra weight to Dstny’s organisation in the middle of Denmark and contributes to the achievement of Dstny’s ambition to become the leading supplier of communications solution / UCaaS in both Denmark and Europe.”
Read more here:
In connection with the acquisition, Dstny has made the following statement:
”Having MobiKOM on board, we are not only adding a key player to the Danish market but also a company sharing Dstny’s ambition to deliver professional, flexible, readily understandable and user friendly communications solutions. MobiKOM adds extra weight to Dstny’s organisation in the middle of Denmark and contributes to the achievement of Dstny’s ambition to become the leading supplier of communications solution / UCaaS in both Denmark and Europe.”
Read more here:

DANDERS & MORE har bistået PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S med udskillelse af Parken Stadion og kontortårnene til et 100 % ejet datterselskab under navnet PARKEN Ejendomme af 2023 A/S.
Formålet med udskillelsen af Parken Stadion og kontortårnene til et selvstændigt selskab er at gøre hver enkel forretningsenhed under PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S mere transparent og agil.
PARKEN Ejendomme af 2023 A/S vil fremover drive ejendomsaktiviteterne samt forestå udlejning af Parken stadion til F.C. København P/S, såvel som udlejning af lejemålene i kontortårnene.
DANDERS & MORE har blandt andet bistået med de selskabsretlige tiltag i forbindelse med udskillelsen, herunder stiftelsen af PARKEN Ejendomme af 2023 A/S, overdragelse af ejendommene samt overdragelse af aftaleforhold med lejere og andre relevante aktører.
Udskillelsen er gennemført i tæt samarbejde med blandt andre bestyrelsen og en række dygtige medarbejdere i PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S samt PwC og vi takker alle for det gode og effektive samarbejde.

HL Display AB overtager PR TRADING-FLEKOTA A/S og bliver således direkte leverandør af unikke displayløsninger mv. på det danske marked.
DANDERS & MORE har siden efteråret 2023 bistået HL Display AB, et datterselskab til det svenske selskab Ratos AB, som er noteret på Stockholm Stock Exchange, med at erhverve samtlige aktier i PR TRADING-FLEKOTA A/S, der designer, udvikler og producerer unikke displayløsninger mv. til detailhandelskæder og mærkevareleverandører i hele Danmark. HL Display leverer displayløsninger til detailindustrien i en række andre EU lande og vil med erhvervelsen af PR TRADING-FLEKOTA A/S således også være til stede på det danske marked.
DANDERS & MORE har bistået HL Display AB med den juridisk due diligence, forhandling og udarbejdelse af overdragelsesaftale, fusionsgodkendelse fra de danske konkurrencemyndigheder mv.
For yderligere information om sagen henvises til HL Display ABs pressemeddelelse.
Sagen har fra DANDERS & MOREs side været håndteret af Philip Nyholm, Mikkel Leth Petersen, Amalie Victoria Wex samt Lasse Deenhardt. Derudover har KPMG bistået HL Display AB som finansiel rådgiver.
DANDERS & MORE har bistået HL Display AB med den juridisk due diligence, forhandling og udarbejdelse af overdragelsesaftale, fusionsgodkendelse fra de danske konkurrencemyndigheder mv.
For yderligere information om sagen henvises til HL Display ABs pressemeddelelse.
Sagen har fra DANDERS & MOREs side været håndteret af Philip Nyholm, Mikkel Leth Petersen, Amalie Victoria Wex samt Lasse Deenhardt. Derudover har KPMG bistået HL Display AB som finansiel rådgiver.

Majoriteten i Triple Trading er blevet solgt, og DANDERS & MORE har i den forbindelse haft fornøjelsen af at fungere som juridiske rådgivere for sælger-siden.
Triple Trading blev stiftet i 2018 og har siden vækstet betydeligt med salg af skræddersyede løsninger til emballage særligt på det danske marked.
Køberen er et dansk selskab, som indirekte er ejet af NoHo Partners PLC – en toneangivende aktør inden for restaurationsbranchen i Europa.
DANDERS & MORE – ved Claus Abildstrøm og Lasse Deenhardt – har bistået sælgerne med tilrettelæggelse af salget, due diligence processen samt alt øvrigt frem til en gennemførelse af salget. Vi er stolte over at have bidraget til at facilitere denne spændende forretningsmæssige udvikling.
Et stort og meget velfortjent tillykke til Thomas Stieler, Stine Gottschalck og Thomas Rytter Gottschalck med dette vigtige skridt, og ikke mindst skal der lyde en tak til alle involverede parter for et godt samarbejde undervejs, herunder det gode samarbejde med købersiden, der var repræsenteret af Lundgrens. Derudover takker vi for det super gode samarbejde med bestyrelsesformand Kåre Bo Jacobsen og Morten Svendsen, og vi ser meget frem til et fortsat spændende samarbejde med Triple Trading.
Køberen er et dansk selskab, som indirekte er ejet af NoHo Partners PLC – en toneangivende aktør inden for restaurationsbranchen i Europa.
DANDERS & MORE – ved Claus Abildstrøm og Lasse Deenhardt – har bistået sælgerne med tilrettelæggelse af salget, due diligence processen samt alt øvrigt frem til en gennemførelse af salget. Vi er stolte over at have bidraget til at facilitere denne spændende forretningsmæssige udvikling.
Et stort og meget velfortjent tillykke til Thomas Stieler, Stine Gottschalck og Thomas Rytter Gottschalck med dette vigtige skridt, og ikke mindst skal der lyde en tak til alle involverede parter for et godt samarbejde undervejs, herunder det gode samarbejde med købersiden, der var repræsenteret af Lundgrens. Derudover takker vi for det super gode samarbejde med bestyrelsesformand Kåre Bo Jacobsen og Morten Svendsen, og vi ser meget frem til et fortsat spændende samarbejde med Triple Trading.

DANDERS & MORE er stolte over at have været juridisk rådgiver på sælger-siden i forbindelse med salget af majoriteten af Nordic Beauty Company til hollandske Dayes Group B.V.
Nordic Beauty Company distribuerer skønhedsprodukter samt produkter inden for personlig pleje på særligt det nordiske marked og har de senere år været på en fantastisk vækstrejse, på vej til nye markeder.
Dayes-koncernen er en stor europæisk grossist inden for blandt andet kategorierne skønhed og personlig pleje, og Nordic Beauty Company kommer derfor i de bedste hænder med henblik på den fortsatte udvikling af forretningen
Vi ønsker særligt Peter Barsberg Henrik Bo Jacobsen og Ismail Ciftci et meget stort og velfortjent tillykke med salget – og samtidigt et held og lykke til dels Peter, som fortsat vil være aktiv medejer og væsentlig del af Nordic Beauty Company, nuværende CEO og Morten Svendsen, der også indtræder i ejerkredsen i forbindelse med salget.
Vi vil også gerne sige tak for et super samarbejde med dels Clearwater International Denmark med Andreas Lauth Lauridsen og Kasper Hedegaard i spidsen, der har ageret finansiel rådgiver på sælger-siden, dels Morten Schwensen fra Baker Tilly. Derudover tak for godt samarbejde med Dayes og dets juridiske rådgivere fra Dahl Advokatpartnerselskab.
Tillykke med transaktionen til alle parter, idet vi ønsker god vind på den videre rejse.
Transaktionsteamet fra DANDERS & MORE bestod af Claus Abildstrøm, Mikkel Leth Petersen og Lasse Deenhardt.
Dayes-koncernen er en stor europæisk grossist inden for blandt andet kategorierne skønhed og personlig pleje, og Nordic Beauty Company kommer derfor i de bedste hænder med henblik på den fortsatte udvikling af forretningen
Vi ønsker særligt Peter Barsberg Henrik Bo Jacobsen og Ismail Ciftci et meget stort og velfortjent tillykke med salget – og samtidigt et held og lykke til dels Peter, som fortsat vil være aktiv medejer og væsentlig del af Nordic Beauty Company, nuværende CEO og Morten Svendsen, der også indtræder i ejerkredsen i forbindelse med salget.
Vi vil også gerne sige tak for et super samarbejde med dels Clearwater International Denmark med Andreas Lauth Lauridsen og Kasper Hedegaard i spidsen, der har ageret finansiel rådgiver på sælger-siden, dels Morten Schwensen fra Baker Tilly. Derudover tak for godt samarbejde med Dayes og dets juridiske rådgivere fra Dahl Advokatpartnerselskab.
Tillykke med transaktionen til alle parter, idet vi ønsker god vind på den videre rejse.
Transaktionsteamet fra DANDERS & MORE bestod af Claus Abildstrøm, Mikkel Leth Petersen og Lasse Deenhardt.

EasyTranslate A/S, et førende dansk oversættelsesbureau baseret på HumanAI, har købt World Translation A/S, et anerkendt professionelt oversættelsesbureau beliggende i Tilst.
EasyTranslate forenkler oversættelsesprocessen ved at kombinere kunstig intelligens og mennesker. Købet af World Translation supplerer EasyTranslates nuværende kompetencer inden for HumanAI-baserede oversættelser og korrekturlæsning med World Translations anerkendte, dygtige og passionerede translatører.
DANDERS & MORE rådgav EasyTranslate i forbindelse med transaktionen.
EasyTranslate forenkler oversættelsesprocessen ved at kombinere kunstig intelligens og mennesker. Købet af World Translation supplerer EasyTranslates nuværende kompetencer inden for HumanAI-baserede oversættelser og korrekturlæsning med World Translations anerkendte, dygtige og passionerede translatører.
DANDERS & MORE rådgav EasyTranslate i forbindelse med transaktionen.